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News Submissions

Coaches/advisors, students, parents, alumni and fans are encouraged to submit athletics/activities updates and photos to Activities Director Jeff Peterson.  Submissions will appear online and in the weekly Westonka News e-newsletter. 

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Displaying Results 11 - 14 of 14
Jeff Degree

MWHS Names New Boys Varsity Hockey Head Coach

By Jeff Peterson 04/03/2023, 12:45pm CDT

The Westonka Activities Department announces that Jeff DeGree has been named head boys hockey coach.

University of MN logo

University of Minnesota Survey: Long COVID Prevalence among Minnesota High School Athletes

By MSHSL 06/01/2022, 1:30pm CDT

Researchers at the University of Minnesota are interested in looking at how COVID-19 affects high school athletes with long COVID symptoms and are asking for your help in this important research.

Jacob Peterson

Jacob Peterson Named MSHSL 'Most Valuable Teammate'

By Becca Neuger 04/07/2022, 9:15am CDT

Mound Westonka High School senior Jacob Peterson won the Most Valuable Teammate Award, a weekly recognition presented by the Minnesota State High School League and Wells Fargo.

2021 Yost-Haddorff-Leopold Award Winners

MWHS Honors Class of 2021 Athletes

By Lorrie Ham 05/20/2021, 2:45pm CDT

Each year, Mound Westonka High School celebrates standout athletes from the graduating class. This year’s celebration took place on May 20 in the Little Theater, with student-athletes and their parents in attendance.

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Displaying Results 11 - 14 of 14

Becca Neuger

Communications Coordinator

Phone: (952) 491-8003